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About Us

Hi ,My name is Angelica Bridges I’m the CEO of Heavenly Lashes By Angel LLC and God is my Founder. I’m 31 years old I've been married now for 9 years. My husband and I have two Beautiful children our 9 year old son and our 8 year old daughter. But above all of that I’m a Believer and Follower of Jesus Christ ! Surrendering my life to Jesus was one of thee most life altaring things I've ever done . But it also was when I started to see myself the way he sees me and that changed EVERTHING ! One day I was talking to my husband in the Laundry Mat ,and I expressed to him that I didn’t want to work for someone else for the rest of my life. But I wasn’t sure what I should do or how to go about becoming an entrepreneur. He ask if he could pray for me and I said yes! Literally as he was praying GOD was giving me the vision! The name ,colors, slogan, logo EVERYTHING came from God through Prayer ! It was all coming so fast that I had to pull out my phone quickly and type as fast as I could so that I wouldn’t forget anything! I started this company because first things first I truly have a passion for all things Beauty especially Lashes and I also wanted to create something that I could get my daughter involved in as well and create that generational wealth ! But I also wanted women to know that your Beauty is already there no matter what society or media says ! I wanted to push the message that you are already ENOUGH ! In the Bible it says “I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.”
PSALMS‬ ‭139:14‬ ‭AMP‬‬ ! So with that being said here at Heavenly Lashes By Angel LLC we want to remind you that cosmetics doesn't "Make you Beautiful" . It simply Compliments what's already there ! So we ask come by to shop with us and let us build your confidence , encourage you , give you a lil bit of dis Jesus Juice and as our slogan says Compliment your God given Beauty !

 We hope you enjoy our Brand and everything we bring to you all ! We Welcome you and we would love to gain you as one of our "Angels" !!! 

Have a Beautiful Blessed rest of your day!

Love,Angelica !

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